Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reasons to smile...

The Lord graces us with many joyful moments throughout our days.  There have been so many recently that I thought I should tell you about some.  Due to the sheer volume of joyful moments, I will only list a few from the past two days!  :)
  1. Snails:  In third grade we are studying the structures of life.  We are highlighting plants and snails.  My students crack me up.  There are two of them (out of 14) that are so excited they cannot handle their excitement.  They brought in snails and the class said, "ewww, Miss Brunker why would we want to study snails?  They are gross and slimy."  That was Friday's exclamation.  Then today, Wednesday, I had to feed the sails (who knew they LOVE cucumbers?!).  So, I was feeding the snails and then one by one the kiddos were around me squealing with delight as I let them touch them and feed them!  They now LOVE it and my heart smiled because of it.  These kids are so precious and they make learning about slimy things like snails so much fun!
  2. Hair:  The second grade girls were playing with each other's hair during recess.  They decided to play with Carrie's hair and were shocked that her hair is softer than their African hair.  Carrie then told them that Miss Brunker's hair is probably the softest she has ever felt and they should feel it later.  Well, they found me in the hallway and were shocked to discover how soft my hair is.  They giggled so hard while feeling our hair!  It was so cute and definitely made us smile!
Thank you for sharing in our moments to smile!  I hope you are able to see many evidences of God's hand and joy in your life today!  :)

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