Friday, May 14, 2010

Faith in Action

I get cute handmade cards (or love notes as I like to call them) from my students quite frequently.  One particular student always reminds me of one amazing truth at the end of each love note.  She always writes "I love you Miss Brunker and so does God"  This makes my heart melt because every time I have received a note from her I have needed to hear those words and believe them deep down.  I recently remembered that this little one accepted Christ as her Savior this school year.  I can already see her living her faith by encouraging others and reminding them  of the truth.  Thank you Lord for allowing me to minister to these children from the nations of the world!  Thank you to my financial supporters and prayer partners who come alongside my ministry here in Vienna.  I most certainly couldn't reach these nations without your faith in me.  Thank you!

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