Sunday, May 9, 2010

May update

As of May 9, 2010 we've been...
Buying: chocolate covered rice cakes
Considering: the fact that I will turn 30 in a few days
Cooking: German Potato Salad
Eating: butter keks (they're kind of like vanilla wafers)
Googleing : how to melt wax for water color batik
Learning: that the temperature inside of the church gets swelteringly hot on warm May afternoons
Listening:  to the dishwasher
Loving: the sunshine we had today.  We've missed it.
Planning: Amanda's birthday party
Reading: The Meanest Doll Ever
Watching: a marathon of Monk
Wearing: comfy socks and no coat to church today
Wishing: that life could just stay the same
Thankful: for our mothers on this Mother's Day
Writing:  this blog post
Hoping: that we make it on time to the meeting at 7:30am tomorrow morning (Monday)


Melissa said...

yay to the German potato salad! Did you like it?
HUGELY sweltering inside of church....I'm still hot!
So excited for your party. Whoop whoop.

That's it from me :)

Anonymous said...

Your turning 30??????????? Already!!!!!!!!!! Where does time go?????????

If life stayed the same I wouldn't be seeing you next month!!!!!!!! But I do understand what you mean!!!!!!!!! Love ya both much!!!!!! Jen