Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Physics of Sound

So, we've started a new unit in Science called the Physics of Sound.  My students LOVE it.  It is a lot of fun to learn through experiments.  I'm sure it helps that their teacher is just as excited as they are!  Today we were using our sound discriminating skills to try and remember how 8 objects sounded when they were tossed (lightly mind you) into the sound chamber.  After this was established, they had to give each object a corresponding letter and then try to have their partner figure out the secret word they were trying to spell.  I bet you know where I am going with this!!!  We had a few miscommunications and funny moments about the fact that they had to choose actual words to have their partner guess!!  At one point I walked by Stephanie and Uendjipa as Uendjipa exclaimed, "Your word is . . . TOLPAN!!!??"  I said, "What??!" and it was then that Stephanie realized that she had to spell actual words and not make her own up!

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