Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Life as a Quaker Ridge Junior Camp Counselor!

Being a camp counselor is always the highlight of my summer and this summer was no exception. We had an amazing time getting to know the Lord better. The 7 girls in my cabin ranged in age from 9 - 11. It was fun to see them all interact with one another and bond as a cabin group. They all looked out for each other and loved learning about the beatitudes! Many of them already knew them as they had to learn Matthew 5:1-12 in third grade! They enjoyed reiterating all that they have learned and tried to go deeper with their understanding of what each beatitude means. Something important that I've learned this year. . . never start your week as a counselor completely exhausted!!! The girls loved to run everywhere they went and they also enjoyed laughing and giggling until very late into the night (apparently it is even more fun when the lights are turned off!!!). Thank you for all of your prayers. We had a wonderful time!!

Amanda's Cabin of beautiful girls!!

Aren't they cute? I'm not quite sure why they are dancing but I thought it was cute!!

Carrie's cabin of beautiful girls!!!

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