Thursday, July 24, 2008

A few things we've learned while on this journey. . .

1. God is certainly faithful regardless of how we may mentally limit Him.
2. Life goes by very quickly when all you want it to do is slow down!
3. I really despise packing and moving!!
4. Never stick you name badge in a time card machine. It will eat it and you will never see it again!
5. You really do not completely understand how much you will miss something or someone until you don't see them on a daily basis.
6. We take many things for granted and do not realize it.
7. If you ever call the MOT shipping/freight company ask for Cinderella. She apparently is a real person. I left a message for her. I wonder if Belle or Snow White were also available. =)
8. Saying goodbye is really, really hard but necessary.
9. There is a lot that needs to be done before a person moves overseas.
10. When we tell people that we are going to be missionaries in Vienna, Austria some people think we are going to two places that are not Vienna, Austria. They are Venice, Italy and Australia. Unfortunately we will not be going to either of these locations, but maybe we will visit both of these places some day!
11. Lufthansa Airlines customer service is extremely helpful!
12. We are leaving on July 31 and that is only 7 days away! It doesn't seem real!

Thank you for all of your continued prayers, encouraging words, and financial support. We appreciate you! We look forward to seeing you at the going away party on Tuesday. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers as we travel to Vienna on July 31. We leave around 2:00pm. Thank You!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Number 4 is my favorite!! I found your blog! YEAH!!! I am only semi-computer illiterate. Have a safe trip today my friend