Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A funny moment from today..

This week has honestly been a hard week with a lot of student created drama.  It is one of those weeks where we are emotionally tired.  However tired we are there are always glimmers of hilarity that come from being around children all day!  Here is one story:  Today I was in the hall, standing on the other side of my classroom door speaking to a student who needed to talk through his actions and hurtful words.  While I am out there talking and listening I hear knocking on a door.  At first I ignore it because it couldn't possibly be my classroom door I am standing in front of it and no one wants in.  So, a few seconds later the knock happens again a little louder this time.  It was at this moment I realize that it is coming from the other side of my door.  I burst out laughing as I opened my classroom door to find one of my little ones knocking to get out.  As she walked by me she said, "Um, Miss  Brunker I just wanted to tell you that I am going to get a drink at the fountain.  Is that okay?"  Well, since I still laughing how could I say no?!!  So, regardless of the stressful situation you are in a child's hilarious actions will certainly make you smile and remember why you love them so much!!!  Have a blessed day!

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