Monday, January 25, 2010


I received three notes from one student today in a cute little handmade envelope!  They were such an encouragement and so cute that I have to share them with you:

Note 1: "Dear Miss Brunker, You are funny and so cute and beautiful."

Note 2: "Dear Miss Brunker,  I love you and you are very nice and kind.  You are cute and your house shoes are so cute and funny."

Note 3: "Dear Miss Brunker, I love you and you are my best teacher in the whole world."

Don't those notes make you smile?!  It is amazing the lives we touch when we allow the Lord to have complete control of our lives!  Have a wonderful day!


leslie.kidd said...

awww! soo cute!!

Melissa said...

They are SO cute! I will vouch for that :)

Rachel said...

Doesn't that just make your day? That's one thing I miss about teaching little ones - they are an instant self-esteem booster!! Last time I checked, it's not cool for middle schoolers to write love letters to their teachers. :D

Anonymous said...

Amen! Kids are always encouraging, God uses even the smallest things in life to encourage us!!!!!
