Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Football Expert??!!

So, this is my week for recess duty. I like recess duty because the kids crack me up and I love playing with them. Today a group of 5th graders brought out an American football to play with at recess. I was amazed by this because I haven't seen an actual American football in a long time. I was also curious by this simply because I wanted to see if the kids knew what to do with it. Well, they got the general concept. Throw the ball, try to catch the ball, and then try to kick the ball. I did notice that they needed a little guidance with technique so I went up to help them. I taught them how to hold the ball correctly to throw it, and then how to catch it without getting seriously hurt, and finally how to hold the ball so someone else can kick it. While I was walking away to check on another group of kids one of the 5th grade football players said, "Wow, Miss Brunker, you're like a football expert!" I literally laughed out loud when I heard this but I guess it is good that I have 5 brothers who taught me football. Thank you brothers!!!

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