Wednesday, June 18, 2008

God is good all the time!!

So, we finally shipped all of our belongings to New Jersey. Amanda, my mom, and I met Karen (from church) at FedEx/Kinkos so that she could use her discount from work. We brought in all of our 18 boxes, the clerk weighed each one, and then told us that the address she pulled up from the computer was different from the address we had for the shipping company. So, just to make sure that we had the right address Amanda called the shipping company. She was told that yes we were given the right address, and the address that FedEx had in the computer was their old address. So, the clerk needed to change the address. However, this was more difficult than it sounds. In order to change the address she needed to reweigh each box, which was evident that this was something that she did not want to do. Then, she quickly weighed one box of each size and gave us the receipt. We had the impression that she was frustrated and just wanted us to leave. While we were leaving we looked at the receipt and noticed that the overall cost charged to Karen’s work account was several hundred dollars lower than we expected. At first we thought that Karen’s discount was much better than we realized. Then, we realized that the weights for each box were incorrect. The weights that the clerk entered were much lower than they should have been. So, by this point the clerk was helping someone else, and it was clear that she didn’t want to deal with our 18 boxes any more. We have been blessed with a cheaper shipping cost than we had anticipated, assuming that another bill won’t be sent from FedEx (which we doubt will happen). Thank you for your prayers. We can tell that that Lord is guiding each and every step we take!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God!!!!!! I can see He is truly blessing your every step!!! He is awesome!!!!